Tuition Information

When our HFCA Finance Council meets yearly to review the annual tuition and make any necessary adjustments, they do so with our families in mind. HFCA strives to ensure that tuition remains affordable and competitive each year. Mahalo for your interest in Holy Family Catholic Academy and considering a Catholic school for your keiki. We are confident we live up to our founding Sisters' mission: Making GodÊ»s Goodness Known, Educating for Life.

Preschool - Full Day $10,850
Preschool - School Day $10,100
Grades K- 4 $9,300
Grades 5 - 8  $9,750
After School Care $1,500

We are happy to announce that our HFCA sibling discount program has expanded (effective SY 2024-25) as follows:

First child Full Tuition
Second child 10% off
Third child 20% off
Fourth child 30% off
Fifth child and beyond Free Tuition

Payment Terms, Plans and Fees:

Each family is required to establish a FACTS agreement regardless of the payment plan selected. FACTS will collect all tuition and incidental charges and will assess a nominal one-time enrollment fee based on the payment plan that is selected.

We require an enrollment fee of $350 that will be paid to FACTS during the online enrollment process. Enrollment fees are in addition to the base tuition listed above. These fees secure the student’s spot on the roster and are non-refundable. This fee is required for the re-enrollment of each student annually. 

Tuition payments start in July and end in May. There is a $200 surcharge for installment payment plans (monthly or bi-monthly) that will be added to the tuition listed above.

If you have any questions please contact the Business Office at