Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Will we be able to meet the teacher and see the homeroom before the first day of school?
- Yes, we will hold a meet and greet a week before the first day of school. Information will be provided via Parentsquare.
Q. When will we be notified of our homeroom teacher assignment?
- Parents will be notified a few days before the teacher meet and greet via Parentsquare.
Q. Who is the official uniform supplier for HFCA?
- In late 2024, we switched uniform suppliers from Dennis Uniforms to Pueo Print, due to Dennis Uniforms ceasing operations nationwide. Therefore, all new items must be purchased from Pueo Print. Gently used Dennis Uniform will still be available through our PTG Used Uniform Sale, and uniforms passed down from siblings/friends are always allowed so long as they are still in good condition.
Q. Does my child have to wear Pueo/Dennis uniforms, or can I get away with another khaki short/skirt brand?
- Your child must wear a Dennis or Peuo polo shirt, PE shirt, PE short, and khaki bottom; no other brands are allowed for these items. For more information on uniforms, please see the Student/Parent Handbook.
Q. What if the Pueo/Dennis uniform bottoms do not appropriately fit my child?
- Unique situations are handled on a case-by-case basis, please email Dr. Akiu at with your concerns.
Q. What jacket options are acceptable for cooler days?
- Students can wear a plain navy windbreaker, cardigan, sweater, or hooded/zippered sweatshirt free of any visible logos; purchase jackets at Pueo Print; or wear any previous versions of these items from Dennis Uniforms. For more information on uniforms, please see the Student/Parent Handbook.
Q. How much leeway is there for appropriate shoes?
- The key word from the Parent and Student Handbook is “predominantly” black, white, or grey with laces matching the primary shoe color. For more information, please see the Parent and Student Handbook available in the Resource Hub on ParentSquare. When in doubt, please ask your homeroom teacher.
Q. Where is the car line located?
- Our car line entrance is accessed heading East on Nimitz Highway, and right on Main Street; there is a small driveway at the edge of our property (currently adjacent to a construction site). Take a quick right into this driveway and the car line makes a U-shape and exits back onto Main Street. Parents are also welcome to temporarily park in the 7 angled parking spots in front of the main deck and utilize the crosswalk to walk their children to the deck. A map will be provided on ParentSquare before the first day of school, and the car line will be marked.
Q. How do I access the school when all the gates are closed?
- Parents/guardians are provided with the code for Gate #1 (small gate between the Church and Rectory). Please see the document titled “Campus Access & Safety” in the Resource Hub on ParentSquare for the code, and for more information on campus access during the school day.
Q. How is school lunch organized at HFCA?
- HFCA will provide a monthly lunch menu (in advance) and parents can order specific lunches for their child(ren) in grades K - 8; milk can be added to any lunch or as an a la carte item. Funds for lunch need to be added in FACTS in advance for each family to support students in grades K - 8. Lunch is included for preschool students and does not need to be ordered in advance.
Q. How do I report an absence or tardiness?
- Call our Healthroom at 808-423-9611, ext. 305, or email: and cc your child's homeroom teacher.
Q. How do I enroll my child in before-school care (6 - 7 am) and/or after-school care (dismissal - 5:30 pm)?
- Please contact our Business Office at 808-423-9611, ext. 340, or email: for students in grades K-8. For preschool students, please contact Mrs. Burch at:
Q. If my K-8 child is in after-school care (ASC) and I need to pick them up at the regular dismissal time, what is the process?
- Please call or text Mrs. Gay on the ASC cell phone at: 808-780-5664.
Q. What communication tools are used to communicate with parents/guardians?
- ParentSquare, Google Classroom, FACTS, and traditional email, as outlined below.
- ParentSquare: Parents are strongly encouraged to download the ParentSquare app and ensure their notifications are turned on. Parents may choose between receiving instant notifications from ParentSquare, or a daily digest at the end of the day. Notification options include text, email, or push notification from the ParentSquare app (please see app settings to choose) and ensure your phone notification settings are turned ON for the ParentSquare app if desired. Please contact Mrs. DeSoto with any ParentSquare questions, at:
- Google Classroom: Teachers are required to use Google Classroom as the primary communication tool for classwork and homework. Students (aside from kindergarteners) should know how to navigate their Google Classroom app at home. Parents are strongly encouraged to sign up to receive Google Classroom email summaries that can be delivered daily or weekly. Please email your homeroom teacher if you are not receiving these emails or need to change the email address on file.
- FACTS: Parents/guardians can view grades (4th - 8th) and report cards (all grades), order school lunches (K-8), pay incidental charges (club/sport/field trip fees), view tuition accounts, and update official information (phone number, home address, email address, emergency contacts, student medical information) on FACTS. FACTS is also used for new student applications, enrollment, re-enrollment, and to manage tuition payments. Please contact Mrs. DeSoto with any FACTS questions, at:
- HFCA Email: please see our website (Contacts & Directory) for a list of all staff emails. Staff members have 48 hours to respond to a parent/guardian email.
Q. Does HFCA use social media to share stories about the school?
- We maintain an active Instagram and Facebook account (@hfcahawaii) and duplicate all our posts on the News section of our website for anyone without social media access.
Q. If I need help with technology (accessing or navigating FACTS, Google Classroom Guardian email updates, etc), who do I contact?
- Please fill out the HFCA Parent Tech Support Google Form available on ParentSquare, or contact Mr. MacMaster at:
Q. What afterschool clubs are offered at HFCA for K-8 students?
- Our clubs vary from year to year and quarter to quarter depending on staff availability. Recent examples include eSports, Drama & Improv, Sewing Club, Keiki Singing Club, Painting Club, Glee Club, and Hawaiian Chant & Movement. After-school club signup is typically offered quarterly and will be available at a designated time to ensure fairness. A Google Forms link will be provided via ParentSquare.
Q. What is Spirit Day and what can my child wear?
- HFCA celebrates Spirit Day once a month. Students are encouraged to wear any blue or golden yellow colored shirt, HFCA club/organization shirt, or Wildcat gear available from (search for “HFCA Wildcats”). Students must wear their designated uniform bottom for the day and shoes and socks must follow uniform guidelines. Please see the ParentSquare calendar for Spirit Day dates.
Q. What is Jersey Day and what can my child wear?
- Jersey Day is typically the last Friday of each month. Students are invited to wear a team jersey or shirt if they bring $1 to donate to the HFCA PE fund. Students must wear their designated uniform bottom for the day and shoes and socks must follow uniform guidelines. Please see the ParentSquare calendar for Jersey Day dates.
Q. What is a Free Dress day and what can my child wear?
- Students are occasionally invited to participate in free dress days. On free dress days, students can wear an outfit following the free dress guidelines below. Please see the Parent and Student Handbook for complete information.
- All shorts, skirts/skorts, and dresses must be no higher than mid-thigh.
- Leggings may only be worn with a long shirt, skirt/skort, or dress with a mid-thigh length.
- All tops must have a shoulder measuring a minimum of two inches in width, covering all undergarments.
- If a shirt is mesh or see-through, an approved top must be worn underneath.
- Tops must always cover the midriff (with hands raised up overhead)
- Shoes: must be athletic type shoes (like worn with uniform)
How can I be involved as a parent volunteer?
- We have a volunteer program called Helping Hands that solicits parent/guardian volunteers via the ParentSquare app as needed. All parents/guardians are also invited to participate in our Parent Teacher Guild (PTG); additional information about our PTG will be provided within the first quarter of school.
Q. What is the weekly Mass schedule and may I attend?
- School-wide Mass will be every Wednesday at 8 am for students in grades K-8, and parents are always welcome to attend! Parents will be invited to additional Masses as appropriate (8th Grade Graduation Mass, First Communion, etc.)
Q. What songs are sung at the morning assembly each week?
- After prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, we rotate between the following songs: Star Spangled Banner, Hawai’i Pono’i, This is My Country, Hawaii Aloha, and our HFCA Alma Mater Song.
Q. I’m new to Hawai’i, can you help me understand some of the State Holidays and cultural days of note?
- Statehood Day or Admission Day is a legal holiday in the state of Hawaii celebrated annually on the third Friday in August to commemorate the anniversary of the state's 1959 admission to the Union.
- Prince Kūhiō Day is a state holiday observed in Hawai'i on March 26. The day honors the life of Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole and his many accomplishments in service of his people and the Hawaiian Islands.
- May 1st is “Lei Day” in Hawaii and is a celebration of Hawaiian culture often commemorated by the giving and receiving of leis. As the saying goes: May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii nei!
Q. What Athletics are offered at HFCA and what forms are needed in advance?
- We participate in the Catholic Schools League (CSL) and Christian Schools Athletics League (CSAL). Students who try out for a sport must have a current (annual) Catholic Schools League Waiver Form on file with the Health Room. This form is available in the Resource Hub on ParentSquare. The CSL and CSAL offer the following opportunities with general time frames:
*The CSL and CSAL are leagues run by volunteers and HFCA has no control over the schedules from year to year so we are providing general timing here. We kindly ask our parents/guardians to be flexible and understanding. As soon as we know, you know!