Aloha HFCA Families,
We are happy to announce our new uniform supplier: Pueo Print Co!
If you are a preschool family, you will recognize Pueo Print Co as our PK uniform supplier. We are excited to expand our relationship with this local company we have trusted for the past four years.
GOOD NEWS: Pueo has khaki uniform bottoms available for all students as of December 10, 2024, in addition to preschool polo shirts. Pueo is working extremely hard to make our K-8 polo shirts, PE shirts and shorts, and jackets available to our families, and aims to have them ready by February 1, 2025.
To shop online, please visit www.pueoprintco.com and enter School Code HFCA96818.
Your children are welcome to wear both Pueo and Dennis uniforms for the foreseeable future, and we look forward to accepting Pueo and Dennis uniforms for our PTG Used Uniform Sales.
Please see the information below from Pueo Print, and mahalo for your patience as we made this unexpected transition mid-year.
If you have any questions or concerns about uniforms, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Akiu directly, at: cakiu@hfcahawaii.org.